
線上英文文法檢查軟體可立即線上檢查您輸入的英文句子和單字並更正英文拼字或用詞和英文文法的錯誤。您可以利用這個網站的Ginger英文文法檢查軟體的Grammar Spell Checker來檢查您所輸入或貼上的英文句子或單字,看一看在文法上是否正確或英文拼字有沒有錯誤,操作使用方法非常方便。試一試您的英文程度,立即線上檢查您輸入的英文句子和單字是否有拼字或用詞和文法的錯誤。

Ginger 線上英文文法檢查使用說明

步驟 1 : 游標移到Ginger英文文法檢查器內
游標移到檢查器內 “Type/paste your text for correction” 的位置輸入英文單字或句子。

英文文法檢查器,grammar spell checker

步驟 2 : 輸入英文句子或單字
輸入英文句子或單字後就點一下綠色的 Correct 按鈕就開始線上檢查英文拼字或用詞和文法的錯誤。


步驟 3 : 檢視線上英文文法檢查的結果


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    • 林宜賢
    • March 16, 2011

    If I had a time machine, I would like to turn back the time when I was 12 years old. Think of that days when i was kid. Laughing at the calss room, no worrying about examinations, palying all the time, my childhood is the most wonderful memory in my life. Also I had a lot of friends and nothing could strike down our friendship. However, time flies and we get lost. so many years later, I still miss them. how wishful i want to see them again. If I had a time machine,

    • ring
    • May 29, 2011

    My view on luck
    There is no doubt that different people have different opinions on luck. But whatever, everyone hope that luck will be step with them.
    Some people take success to luck. In their views that only you have a chance or you are lucky can you make your dream come true. No matter how well you are without luck you still cannot succeed. However, another think that if you are industrious you have luck. They think that if you study hard, you will get a good mark. If you word hard, you will have a good pay.
    As for as I am concerned, luck as a chance. If you catch the chance to develop yourself then you are luck. But chance is be there for those who are prepared. Therefore, if you want to be a lover of luck you should do a good job in everything.

  1. Reply

    Thanks to Ms Lu’s good translation and patience , that lets us have a better understanding on the system and more interaction among us.

    • judy
    • February 1, 2013

    University High School, is the one everyone loves school. I love middle school affiliated to the local playground, because the middle school affiliated to the playground is very large, and each time the flag-raising, the whole school will be here, so students can see the sea of people, all obediently standing on the playground, very spectacular! Standing on the playground look up to the blue sky, you can see the sky known as the Taipei City! Fuzhong have individual called called “Blue Sky’s son!! I love the middle school affiliated activities anniversary celebration will be held every year into a non-grand, like last year’s 65th anniversary celebration with Chinese many Fuzhong alumni to attend. The highlight of the day is to sing the school song, because each Fuzhong people are very much in love school, love to sing the school song! I am very happy to be able to read the affiliated high school, and it gives me a lot of joy and good memories, and I will never forget!

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