看VOA英語@電影學英文:It’s Not Cool、White Collar Crime

這次 VOA 「看電影學英文」所要解說的美式英語是 “It’s Not Cool” 和“White Collar Crime”,這是分別取自「Central Intelligence」和「Equity」這兩部電影裡的詞句。請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies”的精選剪輯。仔細聆聽影片對白之後,看看您是否理解它們的正確意思。


English @ the Movies: It’s Not Cool

背景說明:這次 VOA 「看電影學英文」要解說的句子是“it’s not cool”,這是取自電影「中央情爆員」的台詞,你知道它的意思嗎? 這是一部喜劇電影,講述兩個遇到麻煩的老朋友。請觀看、聆聽影片,你就會知道這個美語流行語的真正含義。為了方便聽力練習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s saying is “it’s not cool,” from the movie Central Intelligence. This funny film is about two friends, one is an American intelligence agent. He asks his old friend for help, and now both are in trouble. Listen for the expression “it’s not cool.”
今天的句子是“it’s not cool.” ,這出自電影《Central Intelligence》中的對白,這部喜劇片描述兩個朋友共同經歷的故事。其中一個是美國情報人員,他請他的老朋友幫忙,後來兩個人都陷入麻煩。請聆聽影片剪輯裡的這個短句。烏龍特工

What do you think that means “it’s not cool?” Is it: A) it is hot in here or B) I do not agree with this. Listen again. Did you get it right?
你認為“it’s not cool.” 意味著什麼呢? 是:A)這裡很熱,或者 B)我不同意。請再聽一遍,看看你的理解是對嗎?

It’s not cool means I do not agree with this. “Cool” is a popular way of saying “OK” in the U.S.
It’s not cool 意味著我不同意這一點。 “Cool” 是美語流行用語,是“OK”的意思。

So in the film, when the man is saying “it’s not cool,” he is telling his friend it’s not OK with his plan. A plan that could prove deadly.


English @ the Movies: White Collar Crime

背景說明:這次 VOA 「英語@電影」要解說的詞彙是 “White collar crime”,這是取自電影「華爾街女王」的台詞。這是一部關於紐約商業世界中女性的電影,她們最終發現在那裡的腐敗現象。“白領犯罪” 是什麼樣的罪行呢? 請聆聽對白並找出答案。為了方便聽力練習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s phrase is “white collar crime,” from the movie Equity. This movie is about women in the high power business world of New York City and the corruption they find there. Let’s take a look, watch for the phrase “white collar crime.”
今天的詞語是 “white collar crime” ,這是取自電影《Equity》中的對白。這部影片講述在權力高度集中商業世界的紐約市闖出一片天地的女性,以及她們發現在那裡的腐敗現象。我們來看一下電影剪輯片段中的“白領犯罪”這個短語。

So what does that mean “white collar crime?” A) Violent crimes committed by businesspeople or B) non-violent crimes committed by people who want to make money illegally? Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼,“white collar crime” 是什麼意思呢? A)商人所犯的的暴力犯罪,或是 B)非法獲取金錢的人犯下的非暴力罪行? 再聽一遍,看看你是否正確理解了。

White collar crime is a non-violent crime committed by people who want to make money illegally. These crimes are usually committed by businesspeople and government professionals. Some examples of “white collar crimes” include fraud, bribery, insider trading in the stock market, and money laundering.
“白領犯罪”是指以非法手段獲取金錢的人所犯的非法暴力罪行。通常情況下,商人和政府專業人員較會犯下這些罪行。 “white collar crimes”常見的一些例子包括欺詐、賄賂、股市內線交易和洗錢。

And that is English @ the Movies. I’m Ambor.
以上就是 VOA 「看電影學英文」的教學。我是Ambor。

英語@電影: 'It's Not Cool'

這次 VOA 看電影學英文要解說的句子是 “it's not cool”,這是取自電影「中央情爆員」的台詞,請觀看、聆聽影片,你就會知道這個美語流行語的真正含義。

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