看VOA英語@電影學英文:Hold His Feet To The Fire、What These Newcomers’ Intentions Are

這次 VOA 「看電影學英文」所要解說的美式英語是 “Hold His Feet To The Fire” 和“What These Newcomers’ Intentions Are”,這是分別取自「All the Way」和「The Wild Life」這兩部電影裡的詞句。請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies”的精選剪輯。仔細聆聽影片對白之後,看看您是否理解它們的正確意思。

English @ the Movies: Hold His Feet To The Fire

背景說明:這次 VOA 「English @ the Movies」要教您的詞句是 “Hold His Feet To The Fire”,這是取自電影「總統之路」裡的對白。這是一部關於美國權利平等法案的影片,請觀看影片剪輯,並理解這個短句的意思。為了方便聽力練習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s phrase is “hold his feet to the fire,” from the movie All the Way. In the movie, US President Lyndon B. Johnson and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. work on the Civil Rights Bill, it bans discrimination on the basis of race or sex. Watch for the phrase “hold his feet to the fire.”
今天的詞句是“hold his feet to the fire” ,這是出自電影《All the Way》中的對白,這部電影講述美國總統 Lyndon B. Johnson 和 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 致力於“民權法案”確立的故事。這個法案禁止基於種族或性別的歧視。請看影片剪輯並試著理解這個詞句。

So what does that mean “hold his feet to the fire?” A) To make someone feel pressure or stress or B) to cause someone pain? Listen again, see if you are correct.
那麼, “hold his feet to the fire.” 是什麼意思? A)向某人施加壓力,還是 B)給某人造成痛苦? 請再聽一遍,看看你的理解是否正確。

To “hold someone’s feet to the fire” means to make someone feel pressure or stress. Dr. King put pressure on President Johnson to get the equal rights bill pass. In the end, the important bill made it to the President’s desk in 1964, and he signed it into law.
“hold someone’s feet to the fire”這個短句意味著是 “對某人施加壓力” 。在電影中,金博士向約翰遜總統施壓,希望他讓權利平等法案通過。最後,這項重要的法案於1964年提交總統辦公桌,並且由總統將其簽署為法律。

English @ the Movies: What These Newcomers’ Intentions Are

背景說明:這次 VOA 「看電影學英文」要教您的詞句是 “What these newcomers’ intentions are”,這是取自電影「魯賓遜漂流記」裡的台詞。這部卡通喜劇電影是講述一名男子乘坐的一艘船,撞毀在一個由動物統治的島上。請聆聽影片剪輯並試著理解這個句子的意思。為了方便聽力練習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s new expression is “what these newcomers’ intentions are.” It is from the movie The Wild Life. This is a funny film about a man whose ship crashes on an island ruled by animals. Listen for the phrase “what these newcomers’ intentions are.”
今天要解說的句子是“what these newcomers’ intentions are.” ,這是出自電影《The Wild Life》中的台詞。這一部有趣的電影是關於一名男子的冒險故事,這名男子的船隻撞到了一個由動物統治的島嶼。請聆聽影片剪輯並試著理解這句話。

So what does that phrase mean? A) What are the person’s plans? Or B) where did the person come from? Listen again and see if you are correct.
這句話是什麼意思呢? A)這個人的計劃是什麼?,或是 B)這個人來自哪裡? 請再聽一遍,看看你的理解是否正確。

What these newcomers’ intentions are means what are the person’s plans. An intention is something someone plans or hopes to do. The animals worried about the newcomer. Did this person who washed upon their island have plans to help or hurt them? Did he have good or bad intentions?
“What these newcomers’ intentions are.”意味著這個人的計劃是什麼。Intention (意圖)是指某人計劃或希望做的事情。動物們擔心這個沖上島來的新人的意圖。他是計劃幫助或傷害他們? 他的意圖是好的還是壞的?

And that is . I’m Ambor.
以上就是 VOA 「英文@電影」的教學。我是Ambor。

English @ the Movies: 'Hold His Feet To The Fire'

這次 VOA 看電影學英文要教您的詞句是 “Hold His Feet To The Fire”,這是取自電影「All The Way」裡的對白。
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