看VOA「英語@電影」學英文:Watch Their Back、They Tracked You

這次 VOA 「看電影學英文」所要解說的美式英語是 “Watch Their Back” 和“They Tracked You”,這是分別取自「Captain America: Civil War」和「Jason Bourne」這兩部電影裡的詞句。請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies”的精選剪輯。仔細聆聽影片對白之後,看看您是否理解它們的正確意思。

English @ the Movies: Watch Their Back

背景說明:這次 VOA 「English @ the Movies」要解說的片語是 “Watch their back”,這是取自電影「美國隊長3:英雄內戰」裡的台詞。這部動作片是關於復仇者聯盟的超級英雄的故事。“Watch their back”這句話是否意味著有人處於危險之中? 請觀看影片剪輯並找出答案。為了方便聽力練習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s saying is “watch their back,” from the movie Captain America: Civil War. It is an action film about a group of super heroes known as the Avengers. In this part, there are troubles between Captain America and Ironman. Listen for the saying “watch their back.”
今天的片語是“watch their back” ,這是引用自電影《Captain America: Civil War》中的對白,這是一部關於一群被稱為復仇者聯盟的超級英雄的動作片。在影片中,美國隊長和鋼鐵人之間存在著矛盾。請聆聽“watch their back”這個詞彙。

So what is the meaning of “watch their back?” A) To be on guard or B) to turn around. Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼, “watch their back” 的意思是什麼呢?是 A)保持警惕,還是 B)轉身。請再聽一遍,並確定你能夠正確理解。

To “watch their back” means to be prepared or on guard. It means someone could be trying to hurt you. Both in the movie and in real life, the saying “they are coming for you” is not something you want to hear. It means bad people are coming and want to hurt you. So you better “watch your back” and make sure they do not come up behind you.
“Watch their back”意指“隨時準備或保持警惕” ,這意味著有人可能會試圖傷害你。在電影和現實生活中,你並不會想要聽到“they are coming for you”這句話。因為這意味著想要傷害你的壞人來了。所以你最好“保持警惕”並確保他們不會突然從你背後出現。

English @ the Movies: They Tracked You

背景說明:這次 VOA 「English @ the Movies」要解釋的句子是 “They Tracked You”,這是取自電影「神鬼認證:傑森包恩」裡的對白。在影片劇情中,Jason Bourne 不知道自己是誰。也許你知道“They Tracked You”是什麼意思。請觀看影片剪輯,然後測試自己是否正確理解了這句英文。為了方便聽力練習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s phrase is “they tracked you,” from the film Jason Bourne. The movie is about a former intelligence agent running from officials. He is unable to remember his past. Watch for the phrase “they tracked you.”
今天要解釋的句子是“They tracked you” ,這是出自電影《Jason Bourne》中的對話。這部電影是關於一名前情報人員逃離官方追捕的故事,他無法記起自己的過去。請聆聽影片剪輯並嘗試理解這句話。請聆聽影片剪輯,並試著理解這句話。

So what do you think “they tracked you” means? Is it: A) they followed you or B) they called you? Listen again. Check your answer.
那麼,你認為“they tracked you”是什麼意思呢? 是: A) 他們追踪著你,或是 B) 他們呼叫你。請再聽一遍,查看你的答案是否正確。

They tracked you means they followed you. In this case, “track” is a verb. It means to follow someone or something.
“They tracked you”意思是他們追踪你。在這種情況下,“track”是動詞,意指跟踪某人或關注某事。

In the movie, the man and woman were hiding from people. She was tracked or followed so they had to keep moving to avoid capture.

And that is English @ the Movies. I’m Ambor.
以上就是 VOA 「英文@電影」的解說。我是Ambor。

VOA 看電影學英文: Watch Their Back

這次 VOA 「English @ the Movies」要解說的片語是 “Watch their back”,這是取自電影「美國隊長3」裡的台詞。這部動作片是關於復仇者聯盟的超級英雄的故事。
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