看 English @ the Movies 學習美國英語口語

English @ the Movies 是 VOA 英文學習單元,它精選簡短的美國電影剪輯作為英文學習的素材,以教導您學習美式英語口語所使用的短語或片語,從這裡的兩部影片裡,您會學習到 ‘Bigger Than They Are’ 和 ‘Clean Slate’ 的含義。您先看完影片後,再對照影片下方附中、英文字幕,看看自己是否真的理解了。

English @ the Movies: Bigger Than They Are

背景說明:在這次 English @ the Movies 裡要學習的句子來自於“Concussion”這部電影的對白。腦震盪是人的腦部遭受重創時可能發生的腦部損傷。這部電影的劇情是關於一名受聘於足球行業工作的醫生。“Bigger than they are.”這句英文是什麼意思呢? 請專心觀看、聆聽,您就會知道了。您先看完影片後,再對照影片下方附中、英文字幕,看看自己是否真的理解了。


Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s phrase is “bigger than they are.” It is from the movie Concussion about a doctor who questions the football industry. A concussion is a brain injury from a hard hit to the head. Concussions are common in sports like football. Let’s take a look. Watch for the phrase “bigger than they are.”
今天的短句是“bigger than they are.”。它出自電影《震盪效應》,劇情描述一位醫生質疑足球行業的故事。腦震盪是因為腦部遭受重擊而造成的腦部損傷。腦震盪在足球運動中很常見。請看這簡短的電影剪輯,注意聽“bigger than they are”這句話。

So what does that mean “bigger than they are?” A) Easy to control or B) more important? Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼,“bigger than they are”意味著什麼? A)易於控製,或是 B)更為重要?再聽一遍,看看你是否正確理解。

In this example, “bigger than they are” means more important. It does not mean bigger in size. The movie actors are saying their issue is bigger, even more important than the big and important NFL.
在這個例子中,“bigger than they are”意思是更為重要,並不是意味著尺寸更大。電影裡的演員說他們面臨的問題更為重要,甚至比大型且重要的NFL(國家美式足球聯盟)更重要。

And that is English @ the Movies. I’m Ambor.
以上是這次的 “電影裡的英語” 。我是Ambor。

English @ the Movies: Clean Slate

背景說明:這次 English @ the Movies 的片語出自卡通動畫電影“史努比:The Peanuts Movie”。 可憐的查理布朗,他是一個總是以錯誤的方式做事的孩子。 在這部電影片段裡,他正在談論一個“clean slate”。請專心聽並找出它的含義。


Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s phrase is “clean slate,” from The Peanuts Movie. Let’s take a look.

So what does that mean? What is a “clean slate?” A) A new beginning or B) a clean floor? Let’s listen again and see if you are correct.

A “clean slate” is a new beginning. It means you are starting over or starting fresh. In the movie, Charlie Brown hopes the new students in his school will not have heard of him or all the things that go wrong around him. A “clean slate” is a good thing.

And that is English @ the Movies. I’m Ambor.

VOA看電影學英語: 'Bigger Than They Are'

在這次 English @ the Movies 裡要學習的句子來自於“Concussion”這部電影的對白。腦震盪是人的腦部遭受撞擊時可能發生的腦部損傷。這部電影的劇情是關於一名受聘於足球行業工作的醫生。“Bigger than they are.”這句英文是什麼意思呢? 請專心觀看、聆聽,您就會知道了。

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