VOA看電影學英文:Party foul、All hands on deck

這次VOA“看電影學英文”所要學習的詞彙是“party foul”和“all hands on deck”,這兩個美式英文口語用語分別出自「The Angry Birds Movie」和「In the Heart of the Sea」這兩部美國電影。你是否知道它們是什麼意思嗎? 請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies” 影片、仔細聆聽並找出答案。

English @ the Movies: Party Foul

背景說明:“憤怒鳥玩電影”是一部很有趣的動畫影片,這次“看電影學英文”所要學習的詞彙是“party foul”,就是出自”Angry Birds” 這部動畫電影。
你是否知道這是什麼意思嗎? 請觀看影片、仔細聆聽並找出答案。看完影片後,再對照影片下方的英、中文字幕,看看您自己是否真的理解了意思。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.
歡迎來到 English @ the Movies,我們在這裡教你在電影裡聽到的美式英語。

The Angry Birds Movie is animated, meaning the characters and the scenes are drawn. It is a comedy, which means it is funny. Our phrase from the movie is “party foul.” Let’s watch and look for the phrase “party foul.”
「憤怒鳥玩電影」是動畫片,也就是說它的角色和場景都是繪出來的。這是一部喜劇片,劇情很有趣。今天的詞彙“party foul”就是取自這部美國電影。我們來看電影剪輯並找出“party foul”這個詞彙。

So what do you think that means? Party foul: A) You did something wrong or awkward in a group or B) the party is over? Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼,“party foul”是什麼意思呢? A)你在團體中做了錯誤的或尷尬的事情,或是 B)派對結束了? 再聽一遍,看看你是否理解正確。

Party foul means “you did something wrong or awkward in a group, usually at a party.” The big black bird party fouled when he blew up the house by accident. This is a “slang” term, a very informal one you use with your friends, but not necessarily with your boss. It is one used mostly by younger people.
“party foul”意指“你在團體中做了錯誤的或尷尬的事情,通常在派對上。” 當黑色大鳥不小心炸毀了房子時,他就非常尷尬。 這是一個在朋友之間會使用的英語俚語,但對你的老闆,就不一定要用上。這個用語年輕人較常使用。

And that is English @ the Movie. I’m Ambor.
以上是這次的 “英文@電影” ,我是Ambor。

English @ the Movies: All Hands On Deck

背景說明:電影“白鯨傳奇:怒海之心”描述一條鯨魚和一艘捕鯨船的故事,那是發生在1820年的故事,後來寫成了經典名著「Moby Dick」。

我們從這部英文電影所要學習的短語是“all hands on deck”。 請花兩分鐘專心觀看,仔細聆聽,並找出它的含義。




Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.
歡迎來到《English @ the Movies》,我們在這裡教你電影裡聽到的美國英語。

The movie In the Heart of the Sea tells the story that later became the classic book Moby Dick. It is 1820; a huge whale attacks a New England whale hunting ship. The whale’s will mattresses large size and the ship is broken into pieces. Let’s take a look. Watch for the phrase “all hands on deck.”
電影「In the Heart of the Sea」敘述的故事後來寫成了經典名著「Moby Dick」。 故事發生在1820年,一隻巨大鯨魚襲擊新英格蘭的一艘捕鯨船。鯨魚意志堅定,捲起了巨浪,將捕鯨船打得支離破碎。讓我們來看電影精選片段,並找出“all hands on deck”這個詞組。

So what does that mean “all hands on deck?” A) Clean the deck or B) everyone needs to help? Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼,“all hands on deck”是什麼意思? A)清洗甲板,或是 B)每個人都要幫忙? 再聽一遍,看看你是否確實懂得意思。

All hands on deck means “everyone needs to help.” Often, it means an emergency and a lot of work needs to be done quickly. The phrase comes from sailing ships. The top level of ships are called the deck. But you do not need to be on a ship to use it. All hands on deck can be used whenever you need help.
“All hands on deck”意味著“每個人都要幫助”。 這通常指緊急情況下,需要盡快完成很多工作。這句話起初是在船上使用的。 船的頂層被稱為甲板。但是你不一定要在船上使用,任何你需要幫助的情況下都可以使用“All hands on deck”。

And that is English @ the Movie. I’m Ambor.
以上是這次的 “English @ the Movie” ,我是Ambor。

English @ the Movies: Party Foul

電影“憤怒鳥”是一部很有趣的動畫影片,這次看電影學英文所要學習的詞彙是“party foul”,就是出自"Angry Birds" 這部動畫電影。你是否知道這是什麼嗎? 請觀看影片、仔細聆聽並找出答案。

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