VOA看電影學英文:I’ve Lost Direction、More To You Than Meets The Eye

在這次 VOA 「看電影學英文」 所要學習的是“I’ve Lost Direction”和“More To You Than Meets The Eye”,這是分別取自「梭哈人生」和「怪獸與牠們的產地」這兩部電影裡的詞句。請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies”的精選剪輯。仔細聆聽影片對白之後,看看您是否理解它們的正確意思。


English @ the Movies: I’ve Lost Direction

背景說明:這一集 VOA 「看電影學英文」要解說的句子是“I’ve Lost Direction.”, 這是出自電影「A Hologram for the King」裡的對白。 如果有人說“我失去了方向”,你認為這意味著什麼? 請觀看剪輯短片的故事,自我測試一下,看看你是否知道這句話的正確意思。為了方便您的學習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s expression is “I’ve lost direction,” from A Hologram for the King. This film tells about an American businessman. He travels to Saudi Arabia in hopes of selling his company’s product to a wealthy ruler. Let’s listen for the expression “I’ve lost direction.”
今天要解說的句子是 “I’ve lost direction.” , 這是電影「梭哈人生」裡出現的對白。影片裡敘述了一位美國商人的故事,他前往沙烏地阿拉伯,希望將自己公司的產品賣給富有的統治者。請仔細聆聽 “I’ve lost direction.” 這句子。

So what does that saying “I’ve lost direction” mean? A) I need a map to get home or B) I am not sure what to do next with my life? Listen again and see if you are right?
那麼,“I’ve lost direction.”意味著: A)我需要回家的地圖,或者 B)我不知道下一步的生活該怎麼過? 請再聽一遍,看看你是否正確理解了?

I’ve lost direction means you are not sure what to do next. It has to do with where you are mentally and emotionally, but not physically.

In the movie, the businessman said he had lost direction. But with help, he was able to find his way and to move in the right direction again.


English @ the Movies: More To You Than Meets The Eye

背景說明:這一集 「VOA 看電影學英文」要解說的詞語是“More To You Than Meets The Eye”, 出自電影「Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them」,影片故事情節出自J•K•羅琳之手。片裡講述了魔法師 Scamander 的紐約冒險經歷。請觀看短片,聆聽對白,並找出這是什麼意思。為了方便您的學習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s phrase is “more to you than meets the eye,” from the movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. This story comes from the author of the Harry Potter books. In the movie, Mr. Scamander is a wizard having adventures in New York City. Watch for the phrase “more to you than meets the eye.”
今天要解釋的美式詞語是 “More to you than meets the eye.” 。這是電影「怪獸與牠們的產地」裡出現的詞句。故事來自《哈利波特》系列作品的作者 J•K•羅琳之手。影片裡講述了魔法師 Scamander 在紐約的冒險經歷。請觀看影片剪輯,仔細聆聽這個短句。

So what does that mean “more to you than meets the eye?” A) Someone, or something, has hidden qualities or B) I am glad to see you? Listen again and see if you are correct?
那麼,這句詞語的意思是: A)某人或某物有隱藏的性格,或者 B)我很高興見到你? 請再聽一遍,看看你是否正確理解了?

More to you than meets the eye means someone has hidden qualities. It means someone is more interesting or complex than you might think when you first look at him or her. The man thought Mr. Scamander was interesting and maybe hiding something. He was right! There was more to the suitcase than meets the eye.
“More to you than meets the eye.” 意味著有人有隱藏的特質。這意味著比起你第一次看某人時的印象,這個人可能比所想像的更有趣或更複雜。這個人認為 Scamander 很有趣且可能有秘密,他是看對了! 手提箱裡藏著的東西比他眼睛所見的還更多。

英語@電影: 'I've Lost Direction'

這一集 VOA 「看電影學英文」要解說的句子是“I've Lost Direction.”, 這是出自電影「A Hologram for the King」裡的對白。

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