VOA看電影學英文:Come To Your Senses、So long

這次VOA“看電影學英文”所要學習的英文片語是“Come To Your Senses”和“So long”,這是分別出自「Rock Dog」和「The Secret Life of Pets」這兩部美國電影。你知道它們是什麼意思嗎? 請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies”的精選片段、仔細聆聽,並測試自己是否能夠正確理解意思。

English @ the Movies: So Long

背景說明:這次“看電影學英文”所要學習的詞彙是“so long”,這是出自動畫電影《寵物當家》的對白。這是一部關於寵物的卡通電影,當主人不在家的時候,它們在做什麼呢? 劇情很有趣。“so long”這句話與測量有關係嗎? 你知道這是什麼意思嗎? 請觀看影片、仔細聆聽並找出答案。看完影片後,再對照影片下方的英、中文字幕,看看您自己是否真的懂得意思。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.
歡迎來到《看電影學英語》,English @ the Movies在這裡教你電影中聽到的美式英語。

Today’s phrase is “so long,” from the movie The Secret Life of Pets. It is a funny movie, a cartoon about what pets do when they are left alone at home. In these scenes, the owners are leaving their pets. Let’s take a look. Watch for the phrase “so long.”
這次的片語“so long”是來自電影《The Secret Life of Pets》。這是一部有趣的動畫電影,劇情是關於寵物獨自被留在家裡時,它們在做什麼。這些場景都是主人正離開他們的寵物的時候。讓我們來看精選片段,注意聽“so long”這個短語。

So what does that mean “so long?” A) Goodbye or B) a long time? Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼,“so long”意思是什麼呢? A)再見,或 B)很長一段時間? 再聽一遍,看看你是否正確理解了。

So long means goodbye. It is not about measuring the length of something. The owner was saying goodbye to his dog Mel. If you say “so long” in a friendly voice, it can mean you will see that person later. Sometimes when people say “so long” in a sad voice, they mean goodbye, forever. Well, so long!
“So long”意思是再見。這不是關於測量東西的長度。在場景中,主人正在跟他的寵物狗 Mel 說再見。如果你用友好的語氣說“So long”,那可能意味著你以後還會見到那個人。但是當人們用悲傷的語氣說的時候,他們就永遠再見了。好吧,那再見!

And that is English @ the Movies. I’m Ambor.
以上是這次的 “English @ the Movies” ,我是Ambor。

English @ the Movies: Come To Your Senses

背景說明:“Rock Dog”是關於狗的動畫電影。這部有趣的卡通電影是描述一個狗爸爸和夢想成為搖滾巨星的狗兒子的故事。在這次 VOA 《English @ the Movies》的精選片段裡要教您的片語是“come to your senses”。

讓我們來專心觀看並且確實理解意思。看完影片後,再對照影片下方的英、中文字幕,看看您自己是否真的理解了 “come to your senses.” 的含義。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.
歡迎來到 English @ the Movies,我們在這裡教你電影裡聽到的美國英語。

Today’s phrase is “come to your senses,” from the movie Rock Dog. Bodi is a big dog, a Tibetan mastiff. One day, a radio falls from the sky and he hears rock-n-roll music. That is when he decides to be a musician, but this is not the career his father wants for him. Let’s listen for the phrase “come to your senses.”
今天要學的英文片語是“come to your senses”,這取自電影《搖滾藏獒》。博迪是一隻大型藏獒。有一天,收音機從天而降,它聽到了搖滾樂。從那時起,它決定當一名音樂家,但這不是它父親給它的職涯規劃。讓我們來聽聽“come to your senses.”這個片語。

So what does that mean “come to your senses?” A) To think reasonably or B) to come home? Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼,“come to your senses”是什麼意思呢? A)理智思考,或 B)回家,再聽一遍,看看你是否正確理解了。

Come to your senses means “to think reasonably.” Your five senses are: hearing, seeing, smell, taste, and touch. But in this example, “senses” means using all five to do the right thing or to think clearly. Bodi’s father thinks his son has lost his senses, because he dreams of being a musician and that is not the normal career for a dog.
“Come to your senses”意思是“理智思考”。你的五種感官是:聽、看、聞、味、觸。但在這個例子中,“senses”意味著使用所有五種感官做正確的事情或思考清楚。博迪的父親認為它的兒子失去了理智,因為它夢想成為音樂家,但這不是汪星人的正常職業生涯。

And that is English @ the Movies. I’m Ambor.
以上是這次的 “英語@電影” ,我是Ambor。

VOA English @ the Movies: 'So Long'

這次“看電影學英文”所要學習的詞彙是“so long”,這是出自動畫電影《寵物當家》。這是一部關於寵物的卡通電影,當主人不在家的時候,它們在做什麼呢? 劇情很有趣。

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