VOA看電影學英文:Sounds Screwy、Make It Count

從這次 VOA“看電影學英文”所要學習的英文片語是“Sounds Screwy”和“Make It Count”,這是分別出自「Hail Caesar!」和「The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part II」這兩部美國電影。你知道它們是什麼意思嗎? 請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies”的精選剪輯、仔細聆聽,並測試自己是否能夠正確理解意思。

English @ the Movies: Sounds Screwy

背景說明:電影《凱薩萬歲》是關於20世紀50年代的好萊塢的故事。當一個電影明星消失時,麻煩來了。在這次的 VOA 「看電影學英語」裡,您將從 “English @ the Movies” 的剪輯片段裡,學習“sounds screwy”這個片語。 您想知道這是什麼意思嗎? 請觀看影片、仔細聆聽並找出答案。看完影片後,再對照影片下方的英、中文字幕,看看您自己是否真的理解了意思。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.
歡迎來到《English @ the Movies》,這裡將教你在電影中聽到的英文片語。

Today’s phrase is “sounds screwy,” from the movie Hail, Caesar! This is a funny movie about Hollywood in the 1950s. Eddie Mannix is a studio fixer. His job is to keep the movie company and its actors out of trouble. He runs into trouble when a movie star disappears. Let’s take a look. Watch for the phrase “sounds screwy.”
今天的英文片語是取自電影“Hail, Caesar!”裡的“sounds screwy”。這是一部關於20世紀50年代好萊塢的喜劇電影。Eddie Mannix 是好萊塢的「問題化解人」(fixer),他的工作是讓電影公司及其演員擺脫各種麻煩的事情。但是在某個電影明星消失後,他自己卻也遇到了麻煩。讓我們來看這段影片,仔細聽片語“sounds screwy”。

So what does that mean “sounds screwy?” A) It sounds strange or B) it sounds impossible? Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼,“sounds screwy”意味著什麼? A)聽起來很奇怪,或者 B)聽起來不可能? 請再聽一次,看看你是否正確理解了。

Sounds screwy means “it sounds strange.” It means it does not make sense. It is something not working right. In the movie, the person calling Mr. Mannix says he has the missing actor, but he also says he is calling from the future. If someone really could call from the future, it would be very strange, very screwy, indeed.
“Sounds screwy”的含義是“聽起來很奇怪”,不合常理。在電影中,打電話給曼尼克斯先生的人說失踪的演員在他手上,並且說他是從未來打來的。如果有人真的可以從未來打電話,那確實是非常奇怪,很不合常理。

And that is English @ the Movies. I’m Ambor.
以上是這次的 “看電影學英語” ,我是Ambor。

English @ the Movies: Make It Count

背景說明:電影《The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part II》是飢餓遊戲系列中的最後一部。這一集 English @ the Movies 精選剪輯的片語是“make it count”。這是和數學課那樣在談論數字計算有關嗎?




Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s phrase is “make it count,” from the movie The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2). This is the final Hunger Games movie. The hero Katniss Everdeen is leading a revolt against President Snow. Here he speaks about her, threatening her. Her friend Gale gives his support. Let’s take a look. Watch for the phrase “make it count.”
今天的詞彙是“make it count”,出自電影《飢餓遊戲:自由幻夢 終結戰》的對白,這是飢餓遊戲系列電影的最後一部。英雄 Katniss Everdeen 領導一場反對總統的起義。斯諾總統跟她說話並威脅她。但她的朋友Gale支持她。請觀看電影精選剪輯,並注意聽“make it count”這個片語。

So what does that mean “make it count?” A) Count our supporters or B) make it work? Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼,“make it count”是什麼意思? A)依靠支持者,或是 B)使…生效或起作用? 再聽一遍,看看你是否正確理解了。

Make it count means make it work. They only have on shot, one chance to win. So when Gale says “let’s make it count,” he is not talking about counting numbers. With only one chance to win, they have to get it right, make it work, to defeat the bad guys.
“Make it count”意指使生效或起作用。他們只有一次獲勝的機會。所以當蓋爾說“let’s make it count”時,他並不是在說數字。只有一次機會,他們必須把握好,利用唯一機會來擊敗壞人。

And that is English @ the Movie. I’m Ambor.
以上是這次的 “VOA 看電影學英文” 解說 ,我是Ambor。

English @ the Movies: 'Sounds Screwy'

電影《凱薩萬歲》是關於20世紀50年代的好萊塢的故事。當一個電影明星消失時,麻煩來了。這次在「看電影學英語」的短片裡,您將學習的片語是“sounds screwy”。

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