VOA看電影學英文:Showing off、Make Them Pay

在這次 VOA “看電影學英文”所要學習的英文片語是“Showing off”和“Make Them Pay”,這是分別出自「美國飛人」和「ID4星際終結者」這兩部英語電影。
請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies”的精選剪輯。仔細聆聽影片對話之後,你認為這兩個片語是什麼意思呢?

English @ the Movies: Showing Off

背景說明:在這一集的 English @ the Movies 所要教您的英文片語“showing off”是取自電影“Race”。這是根據非裔美國運動員 Jesse Owens 的真人真事改編拍成的電影。Jesse Owens 克服當時的種族歧視,參加1936年柏林奧運會。請仔細聆聽精選剪輯裡的片語:“showing off”,並試著了解它的正確意思。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s phrase is “showing off,” from the movie Race. The film is based on the life of Jesse Owens. Owens was an African American who competed at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, overcoming the racism of that time. Listen carefully for the expression “showing off.”
今天的片語是“showing off”,出自電影「美國飛人」。這是根據 Jesse Owens 的真人真事改編而來的影片。歐文斯是非裔美國人,他克服當時的種族歧視,參加1936年柏林奧運會。請仔細聆聽「 Race」精選剪輯裡的片語:“showing off”。

So what does the phrase “showing off” mean? A) He is performing in a play or B) he is hoping to get attention? Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼,“showing off”這個詞彙是什麼意思? A)他正在演出,或是 B)他希望得到關注? 請再聽一次,看看你是否正確理解了。

Showing off means you are hoping to get attention. Because Jesse Owens runs so fast and wins, his trainer is joking when he says Owens is showing off. People sometimes show off when they have an unusual skill. Often they do it to win the respect of others.
“Showing off”意味著希望獲得關注。因為傑西•歐文斯跑得非常快而且贏了比賽,他的教練開玩笑說,Jesse Owens 在炫耀。當人有不尋常的技能時,有時會炫耀。他們這樣做通常是希望獲得別人的尊重。

And that is English @ the Movie. I’m Ambor.
以上是 “English @ the Movie” ,我是Ambor。

English @ the Movies: Make Them Pay

背景說明:這一集 “電影學英文”教學將解說的片語是“make them pay”,這是取自美國科幻電影「Independence Day」,中文名稱為《ID4星際終結者》。 其劇情是講述外星人入侵地球的故事。仔細聆聽影片對話之後,你認為“make them pay”是什麼意思呢?



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.
歡迎來到這一集的「English @ the Movies」,這裡將為你解說電影中聽到的美語。

Today’s phrase is “make them pay,” from the movie Independence Day. This movie is about Earth being invaded by aliens – beings from outer space. Watch for the phrase “make them pay.”
今天的片語是“make them pay”,這取自英語電影「Independence Day」。這部電影描述地球被外星人入侵的故事。請觀看精選片段,注意聆聽這個詞彙。

What do you think that means “make them pay?” A) Punish them for something they did or B) give them a bill? Listen again. Check your answer.
你認為“make them pay”是什麼意思? A)因其做為而懲罰他們,或是 B)給他們一張賬單? 請再聽一次,確定你的答案。

Make them pay means punish them for something they did. You use this phrase when someone has done something wrong and you want to punish them. In the movie, they are not saying they would make the invaders pay money, but the pilot is going to fight, and he hopes to defeat the invaders and save planet Earth.
“Make them pay”意味著因其做為而懲罰他們。當有人做錯了事情,你想要懲罰他們時,就會用這句片語。在電影中,並不是說要入侵者賠償,而是飛行員將去跟入侵者戰鬥,並希望擊敗他們以拯救地球。

And that is English @ the Movie. I’m Ambor.
以上是這次的 “電影學英文”節目 ,我是Ambor。

VOA 電影學英文片語: 'Showing Off'

在這一集的 English @ the Movies 所要教您的英文片語“showing off”是取自電影“Race”。這是根據非裔美國運動員 Jesse Owens 的真人真事改編拍成的電影。Jesse Owens 克服當時的種族歧視,參加1936年柏林奧運會。請仔細聆聽精選剪輯裡的片語:“showing off”,並試著了解它的正確意思。

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