VOA看電影學英文:Justice is about to be served、Not Giving Up

在這次 VOA “看電影學英文”所要學習的英文片語是“Justice is about to be served”和“Not Giving Up”,這是分別取自「Kung Fu Panda 3」和「Miracles from Heaven」這兩部英語電影。
請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies”的精選剪輯。仔細聆聽影片對話之後,找出它們的正確意思。

English @ the Movies: Justice is About to be Served

背景說明:這一集「英語@電影」所要教您的英文句子是“Justice is about to be served.”,這是出自電影“Kung Fu Panda 3”裡的對白。這部卡通喜劇講述一個名叫阿寶的熊貓的故事,他後來成為一名功夫大師,並與壞人戰鬥。“justice is about to be served”這句話是和談論晚餐有關嗎? 請觀看影片,仔細聽看看,並找出正確的意思。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.
歡迎來到「 English @ the Movie」,在這裡你將學習到電影中聽到的美式英語。

Today’s phrase is “justice is about to be served,” from the movie Kung Fu Panda 3. It is a funny movie. The panda Pao becomes a Kung Fu teacher and fights bad guys. Listen for the phrase “Justice is about to be served.”
今天的短句“Justice is about to be served”是取自喜劇電影“功夫熊貓3”的對白。熊貓阿寶成為功夫大師,並與壞人戰鬥。請觀看精選剪輯,仔細聆聽“justice is about to be served”這句話。

So what does that mean “justice is about to be served?” A) Someone will be punished or B) time for dinner? Listen again and check your answer.
那麼,“Justice is about to be served”意味著什麼呢? A)某人會受到懲罰,或是 B)晚飯時間? 請再聽一次,並確認它的意思

Justice is about to be served means someone will be punished. Someone did something wrong and now must pay a price. Like a meal being served, when justice is served, it is given to someone.

And that is English @ the Movie. I’m Ambor.

English @ the Movies: Not Giving Up

背景說明:“Not giving up” 這個英文片語取自電影《天堂奇癒記》。這部影片是描述一個病重的年輕女孩的真實故事,雖然醫師說沒有治療的辦法,但她的父母一直努力尋找拯救女兒的方法。你認為“Not giving up”是什麼意思呢? 請觀看精選剪輯,仔細聆聽對話,並找出正確答案。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.
歡迎來到「 英語@電影」,我們在這裡教你電影中聽到的美國英語。

Today’s phrase is “not giving up,” from the movie Miracles from Heaven. The movie is based on a true story about a young girl who is very sick. Watch for the phrase “not giving up.”
今天要說明的片語是“not giving up”,這個英文用語是來自電影“Miracles from Heaven”。這是根據真實故事改拍成的影片,主要劇情是描述一個病重的年輕女孩。請觀看精選片段,仔細聆聽對話,並注意“not giving up”這個詞彙。

So what does that mean “not giving up?” A) Keep trying or B) you are walking away? Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼,“Not giving up”是什麼意思呢? A)繼續嘗試,或是 B)你正準備走開? 請再聽一次,看看你是否真正懂得意思了。

Not giving up means to keep trying. In the movie, Anna’s parents are trying to save their daughter’s life. The doctor says there is no cure, but the parents are going to keep fighting and try to find some ways to save their daughter. In other words, they are not giving up.
“Not giving up”意味著不斷努力、嘗試。在電影中,安娜的父母正竭盡所能來挽救女兒的生命。醫生說沒有治癒的辦法,但她的父母會繼續全力以赴,並試圖找到拯救女兒的方法。換句話說,他們並沒有放棄。

And that is English @ the Movies. I’m Ambor.

English @ the Movies: 'Justice is About to be Served'

這一集「英語@電影」所要教您的英文句子是“Justice is about to be served.”,這是出自電影“Kung Fu Panda 3”裡的對白。這部卡通喜劇講述一個名叫阿寶的熊貓的故事,他後來成為一名功夫大師,並與壞人戰鬥。“justice is about to be served”這句話是和談論晚餐有關嗎? 請觀看影片,仔細聽看看,並找出正確的意思。
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