VOA看電影學英文:Stop at Nothing、Make Your Case

在這次 VOA “看電影學英文”所要學習的英文片語是“Stop at Nothing”和“Make Your Case”,這是分別取自「The Jungle Book」和「Truth」這兩部美國電影裡的對白。請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies”的精選剪輯。仔細聆聽影片對話之後,看看自己是否真的理解了。

English @ the Movies: Stop at Nothing

背景說明:這一集 VOA “電影學英文”要教您的美國英語片語是“Stop at Nothing”,這是節錄自電影《與森林共舞》裡的對話用語。這部影片是描述在叢林中與動物一起生活的一個男孩的故事。你知道這個英文片語意味著什麼嗎? 請觀看電影精選剪輯,仔細聆聽並找出正確答案。影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您學習時參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s phrase is “stop at nothing,” from the movie The Jungle Book. This is the newest version of story about a boy who lives with animals in the jungle. Watch for the phrase “stop at nothing.”
今天要解說的片語“stop at nothing”是取自電影“The Jungle Book”裡的對話。這個最新版本的劇情是描述在叢林中與動物一起生活的一個男孩的故事。請觀看精選電影剪輯,仔細聆聽這個英文片語。

So what does that mean “stop at nothing?” A) He will make a quick stop or B) he will go until he gets what he wants? Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼, “stop at nothing” 意味著什麼? A)他會短暫停留,或是 B)他得到想要的東西後才會離開? 請再聽一次,並看看你是否正確理解。

Stop at nothing means “he will go until he gets what he wants.” In other words, nothing will slow him down or get in his way. The panther is saying the tiger will not stop until he captures the boy. Sometimes this can be said about people. So, what is it that you want?
“Stop at nothing” 意味著得到想要的東西之前不會離開。換句話說,沒有什麼會使他放慢速度或阻礙他。獵豹說老虎抓住這個男孩才會離開。有時這可以用來形容人。那麼,你是想要什麼呢?

And that is English @ the Movies. I’m Ambor.

English @ the Movies: Make Your Case

背景說明:美國電影《真相急先鋒》講述一個真實事件, 一名新聞記者和製片人因為他們調查前總統 George W. Bush 試圖在越戰時逃避兵役而飽受抨擊。這次的《英語@電影》要教您的片語是“Make Your Case”,這是出自英語電影“Truth”裡的對話用語,請仔細聆聽並了解它的正確意思。影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您學習時參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Our phrase from the movie Truth is “make your case.” The movie is about a real event. Reporter Dan Rather and producer Mary Mapes investigated a story. They said President George Bush avoided serving in the Vietnam War. Predicts says Rather and Mapes did not prove their story. Listen for the phrase “make your case.”
今天的詞彙“make your case”是取自電影《Truth》的對白。這是根據真實事件拍攝的電影。記者 Dan Rather 和製作人 Mary Mapes 一起調查了一件事情。他們聲稱美國總統 George Bush 在越南戰爭中逃避兵役。但是 Rather 和 Mapes 無法證明他們所指控的事件的真實性。請觀看電影精選剪輯,仔細聆聽這個片語。

So what does that mean “make your case?” A) Defend your position or B) pack your suitcase? Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼,“make your case”意味著什麼呢? A)捍衛立場,或是 B)收拾行李? 請再聽一次,並確認它的意思。

Make your case means “to defend your position about something.” Mary Mapes was upset about a possible investigation into her story. Her husband try to comfort her when he told her to “make her case”, he was telling her to defend her position and to fight for her side in the story.
“Make your case”意味著捍衛你對某事的立場。Mary Mapes 對於可能針對她的調查感到很沮喪。她的丈夫在告訴她要“make her case”時,這是在試圖安慰她,他告訴她要捍衛自己對這件事的立場,並堅持到底。

And that is English @ the Movie. I’m Ambor.

English @ the Movies: 'Stop at Nothing'

這一集 “English @ the Movies” 要教您的美國英語片語是“Stop at Nothing”,這是節錄自電影“The Jungle Book”裡的對話用語。這部電影是描述在叢林中與動物一起生活的一個男孩的故事。你知道這個英文片語意味著什麼嗎? 請觀看電影精選剪輯,仔細聆聽並找出正確答案。

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