VOA看電影學英文:Playing with Fire、Swallow Your Pride

在這次 VOA “看電影學英文”所要學習的英文片語是“Playing with Fire”和“Swallow Your Pride”,這是分別取自「Misconduct」和「The Choice」這兩部美國電影裡的對白。請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies”的精選剪輯。仔細聆聽影片對話之後,找出它們的正確意思。

English @ the Movies: Playing with Fire

背景說明:這集 VOA 「電影學英文」要解說的片語是“Playing with Fire”, 這是取自電影「Misconduct」裡的對話。一位年輕律師接了大案之後,卻發現自身捲入了一起刑案,他必須和有權勢的人周旋。請觀看電影剪輯,聆聽這段對白,看看您是否正確理解“Playing with Fire”的意思。為了方便您的學習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s phrase is “playing with fire,” from the movie Misconduct. This is a drama about a young lawyer who has taken on a big case. He is up against powerful man and finds him involved in a criminal case. Watch for the phrase “playing with fire.”
今天的片語是“playing with fire”,這是取自英語電影《藥命真相》裡的對話。這部影片描述一位年輕律師接了一個大案之後的故事。他反抗有權勢的人,但發現自身捲入了一起刑案。請觀看這段電影剪輯,仔細聆聽“playing with fire”這個詞彙。

So what does that mean “playing with fire?” A) He is turning up the heat or B) he is doing something dangerous? Listen again and see if you are correct.
那麼,“playing with fire”是什麼意思呢? A)打開暖氣,或是 B)他正在做一些危險的事情? 請再聽一遍,並了解它的正確意思。

Playing with fire means you are doing something dangerous. You are taking a risk and you could get into trouble. When you are “playing with fire,” you are taking a chance. You could be ok, or seriously hurt. It could go either way.
“Playing with fire”意味著你正在做危險的事情。你正在冒險,而且可能會招惹到麻煩。當你“playing with fire”時,你是在賭運氣,最後可能的結果是,你可能安然無恙,或者受到嚴重傷害。

And that is English @ the Movie. I’m Ambor.

English @ the Movies: Swallow Your Pride

背景說明:這集 VOA 「電影學英文」的片語是“Swallow your pride”, 它出自於電影「The Choice」的對話裡。 這是一部描述男人和女人之間愛情故事的影片。雖然兩人墜入了愛河,但他們試圖忽略這事實。請觀看電影剪輯,聆聽這個故事,並理解“swallow your pride”是什麼意思。影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您學習時參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s phrase is “swallow your pride,” from the movie The Choice. The movie is a love story about a man Travis and a woman Gabby. They fall in love, but try to ignore it. Watch for the phrase “swallow your pride.”
今天的英文片語是“Swallow your pride”,這是來自美國電影《愛情選擇題》裡的對話用語。這部英語電影是描述一個名叫 Travis 的男人和一個名叫 Gabby 的女人之間的愛情故事。他們墜入愛河,但試圖忽略這事情。請觀看電影剪輯,仔細聆聽“Swallow your pride”這個詞彙。

Do you know what that means “Swallow your pride?” A) Drink something or B) put your pride aside? Listen again. Check your answer.
你知道“swallow your pride”是意味著什麼嗎? A)喝東西,或是 B)把驕傲放一邊? 請再聽一遍,確定你懂得它的意思。

Swallow your pride means “to put your pride aside.” Pride is the feeling of self-satisfaction. It can also mean thinking that you are better than other people. When she says “swallow your pride”, she means he needs to make a wrong, right.
“Swallow your pride”意指放下驕傲。Pride是一種自我滿足的感覺。這也意指你認為你比其他人更好。當她在劇中說“Swallow your pride”時,她意味著他需​​要犯放下優越感,改正所犯的錯誤。

And that is English @ the Movies. I’m Ambor.

English @ the Movies: 'Playing with Fire'

這集 VOA 「電影學英文」要解說的片語是“Playing with Fire”, 這是取自電影「Misconduct」裡的對話。一位年輕律師接了大案之後,卻發現自身捲入了一起刑案,他必須和有權勢的人周旋。請觀看電影剪輯,聆聽這段對白,看看您是否正確理解“Playing with Fire”的意思。

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