VOA看電影學英文:Signed Up For、Get Her Digits

這次 VOA 「看電影學英文」 所要學習的英文片語是“Signed Up For”和“Get Her Digits”,這是分別取自「400 Days」和「Hello. My Name is Doris」這兩部美國電影裡的對白。請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies”的精選剪輯。仔細聆聽影片對話之後,看看您是否理解它們的正確意思。

English @ the Movies: Signed Up For

背景說明:這一集 VOA 「電影學英文」短片要解說的片語是“Signed up for”, 這是出自科幻電影「400 Days」裡的對話。這部影片是描述四名宇航員簽字同意去進行人類在太空的模擬實驗。請觀看剪輯短片,仔細聆聽對白,看看您是否懂得這個片語的意思。為了方便您的學習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s phrase is “signed up for,” from the movie 400-Days. This science fiction movie is about four astronauts on a simulated or fake but realistic trip to a distant planet. Watch for the phrase “signed up for.”
您這次要學習的詞彙是英語電影“400-Days”裡出現的“signed up for”。這部科幻片是描述四名宇航員進行模擬但感受逼真的星球之旅。請觀看影片剪輯,仔細聆聽這個片語。

So what does that mean “signed up for?” A) To write something down or B) to agree to do? Listen again. Were you correct?
那麼,“Signed up for”的意思是: A)寫下一些東西,或是 B)同意去做? 請再聽一遍,看看你是否正確理解了嗎?

Signed up for means something you agree to do. In the movie, the astronauts signed up to be part of an experiment on humans and space travel. What they didn’t sign up for was the terror that happened when things went wrong.
“Signed up for”意味著您同意去做某件事情。在電影中,宇航員簽字同意參加一項人類和太空旅行的實驗計畫。但他們並沒有簽字同意去經歷實驗出錯時衍生的恐懼。

And that is English @ the Movies. I’m Ambor.

English @ the Movies: Get Her Digits

背景說明:這一集 VOA 「電影學英文」要解說的片語是“Get Her Digits”, 這是出自生活喜劇電影「哈囉,我叫朵莉」裡的對話用語。這是關於一位資深單身女士朵莉絲喜歡上了新來的年輕同事所發展出來的故事情節。“Get Her Digits”是否意味著他處於危險之中? 請觀看剪輯短片,仔細聆聽對白,看看您是否理解這句話。為了方便您的學習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s expression is “get her digits,” from the movie Hello. My Name is Doris. The film is about an older woman who likes her new and much younger co-worker. Let’s listen for the phrase “get her digits.”
今天要說明的片語是“get her digits”,這取自美國電影“ Hello. My Name is Doris”裡的對話用語。這部影片的劇情是描述一位年長的女人愛上了較她年輕不少的新同事的故事。請觀看剪輯片段,仔細聆聽這個片語。

So what is the meaning of “get her digits?” To A) get her telephone number or to B) guess her age? Listen again to compare your answer.
那麼,“get her digits”意味著: A)拿到她的電話號碼,或是 B)猜她的年齡? 請再聽一遍,看看你是否真的懂了嗎?

Get her digits means “to get her phone number.” “Digit” is another word for number. Asking for someone’s “digits” is another way to ask for his or her phone number. Being older than her co-worker, Doris doesn’t know the meaning of the phrase “can you get her digits?” Now she does, and so do you!
“Get her digits”意指“取得她的電話號碼”。 “Digit” 是 “Number” 的另一種用語。詢問某人的“digits”是詢問他或她的電話號碼的另一種方式。Doris 的年齡比她的同事大,並不明白 “Can you get her digits?” 的意思。但是現在她知道了,相信你也懂得意思了。

And that is English @ the Movies. I’m Ambor.

English @ the Movies: 'Signed Up For'

這一集 VOA 「電影學英文」短片要解說的片語是“Signed up for”, 這是出自科幻電影「400 Days」裡的對話。

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