看VOA「英語@電影」學英文:We’ve Been Hacked、Clean Record

這次 VOA 「看電影學英文」所要解說的美式英語是 “We’ve Been Hacked” 和“Clean Record”,這是分別取自「I.T.」和「Imperium」這兩部電影裡的詞句。請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies”的精選剪輯,仔細聆聽影片對白之後,看看您是否理解它們的正確意思。

English @ the Movies: We’ve Been Hacked

背景說明:這次 VOA 「英語@電影」要解說的詞句是 “We’ve been hacked”,這是取自電影「絕對控制」裡的台詞。你知道“hacked” 這個字是什麼意思嗎? 您看新聞報導時應該經常會看到。請觀看影片剪輯,並測試自己,看看你的理解是否正確。為了方便聽力練習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s saying is “we’ve been hacked,” from a movie called I.T. this film tells about a well-being businessman who asks a technician to inspect the internet service in its high-tech home. But instead of getting help, his family is put in danger. Listen for the expression “we’ve been hacked.”
今天的句子是“we’ve been hacked” ,這是引用自電影《I.T.》中的台詞。這部電影講述一位富有的商人,他要找一個技術人員來檢查自己高科技住宅的互聯網服務。但他沒有得到想要的幫助,反而將家人置於危險之中。請聽影片裡的這句話。

So do you understand the meaning of “we’ve been hacked?” Is it: A) someone broke into our computer or B) the internet is broken? Listen again. Look at your answer.
你現在明白“we’ve been hacked” 的意思了嗎? 是:A)有人侵入了我們的電腦,或是 B)網路被破壞了。請再聽一遍,並找出你的答案。

We’ve been hacked means someone broke into your computer system without your permission. This is a crime!
“We’ve been hacked”意味著意味著有人在未經您許可的情況下,入侵您的電腦系統,這是行為犯罪!

In the movie, the hacker broke into the family’s home computer system and wants to hurt them. Around the world, hackers have attacked countless personal computers and the computers of large companies and governments too!

English @ the Movies: Clean Record

背景說明:這次 VOA 「英語@電影」要解說的詞彙是 “Clean Record”,這是取自電影「絕對統治」裡的用語。這是一部根據白人極端組織的真實故事改拍而成的犯罪動作片。您認為“clean record”是什麼意思? 請觀看電影故事,並試著去理解這個詞彙。為了方便聽力練習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s saying is “clean record,” from the film Imperium. It is based on real events about white extremists in the United States. They believe white people should rule over other races. Listen for the expression “clean record.”
今天要解說的詞彙是“Clean Record” ,這是引用自電影《Imperium》中的台詞。這部電影是根據美國白人極端分子的真實事件改編而來。他們認為白人應該統治其他種族。請觀看影片剪輯,試著理解這個詞彙的意思。

Do you understand the meaning of “clean record?” Is it: A) no past trouble with the law or B) passed our test? Listen again. Did you get that right?
你明白“Clean Record”的含義嗎? 是: A) 過去沒有犯罪紀錄,或是 B) 通過我們的測試。請再聽一遍,看你是否正確理解了。

Clean record means no past trouble with the law. A “record” is an American way of saying someone has been arrested or jailed. If you are arrested, you have a “record.”
“Clean record”意味著以前沒有犯過法。“Record”是美國人用來表示某人被逮捕或入獄的用語。如果你曾經被逮捕,你就有犯法的“記錄”。

In the movie, the extremist says his group can use a person with good qualities. Someone who has never been arrested probably will not get the attention of police. And that makes a “clean record” a good thing.
在電影中,極端主義分子說,他的組織可以使用素質良好的人。從未被捕的人可能不會引起警方的注意。這使得“clean record”是好事。

VOA 英語@電影:We've Been Hacked

這次 VOA 英語@電影要解說的詞句是 “We've been hacked”,這是取自電影「絕對控制」裡的台詞。
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