看VOA「英語@電影」學英文:Not everyone is wired、The cost of doing business

這次 VOA 「看電影學英文」所要解說的美式英文是 “Not everyone is wired” 和“The cost of doing business”,這是分別取自「Arrival」和「The Accountant」這兩部影片裡的詞句。請觀看以下兩部“English @ the Movies”的精選剪輯,仔細聆聽影片對白之後,看看您是否正確理解意思了。

English @ the Movies: Not Everyone Is Wired

背景說明:這次 VOA 「英語@電影」要解說的句子是 “Not everyone is wired”,這是取自電影「異星入境」裡的台詞。這部電影講述的是不明飛行物與外太空生物的溝通。你知道“Being wired”是什麼意思嗎? 請觀看影片剪輯,並試著找出正確答案。為了方便聽力練習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Today’s phrase is “not everyone is wired” from the film Arrival. It is about UFOs (unidentified flying objects) that land on Earth. Watch for the phase “not everyone is wired.”
今天的句子是“not everyone is wired” ,這是引用自電影《Arrival》中的用語。這部電影是關於降落在地球的不明飛行物。請聆聽影片裡的這句話。

So what does that mean? To be wired: A) to have electricity or B) to have certain skills. Listen again. Did you get it right?
那麼,“To be wired” 的意思是什麼呢? 是:A)有電,或是 B)有特定的技能。請再聽一遍,看看你正確理解了嗎?

In this movie, “not everyone is wired” means the woman has skills that other people do not have. The character is very good at languages. Her brain is wired for excellent communication. Being wired can have different meanings. But here it is a way of saying your brain is built to think or operate in a special way. And that is a good thing.
在這部電影中,“not everyone is wired”意味著這個女人擁有其他人沒有的特殊技能。她非常擅長語言,她的大腦有良好的溝通能力。“Being wired”可以有不同的含義。但在這裡,它是表示你的大腦是以一種特殊的方式思考或運作,那是一件好事。

English @ the Movies: The Cost of Doing Business

背景說明:這次 VOA 「英語@電影」要解說的英文是 “The cost of doing business”,這是取自電影「會計師」裡的詞彙。這部動作驚悚片是關於一個非常擅長數學和財務的男子幫助犯罪份子做帳的故事。請觀看影片劇情,以便您能了解這個英文詞彙的含義。為了方便聽力練習,影片下方附有中、英文字幕供您參考。



Welcome to English @ the Movies, where we teach you American English heard at the movies.

Our expression today is “the cost of doing business,” from The Accountant. This film tells the story of a man who is very good at mathematics and keeping financial records, but he works for bad people. Listen for the saying “the cost of doing business”
今天要解說的詞彙是“the cost of doing business” ,這是引用自電影《The Accountant》中的台詞。這部電影是敘述一個非常擅長數學和財務做帳的男子的故事,但他工作服務的對象卻是壞人。請聆聽這個詞彙並試著理解意思。

So what is the meaning of “the cost of doing business?” Is it: A) the price someone pays for an action or B) something that costs too much?
那麼,“the cost of doing business”的意思是什麼? 是: A) 某人為某項行為付出的代價,或是 B) 某個東西的價格太高。

The cost of doing business means the price you pay for an action. It is not just about money and it is not a good thing.
“The cost of doing business”的意思是為您的行動付出代價。這不僅僅是關於金錢,也不是一件好事。

In the film, the man might be killed because he knows too much about the people he works for. They pay him to do something illegal. Killing him would be the cost of doing their bad business.

VOA 看電影學英文:Not Everyone Is Wired

這次 VOA 英語@電影要解說的詞句是 “Not everyone is wired”,這是取自電影「異星入境」裡的台詞。這句英文意味著擁有其他人沒有的特殊技能。
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